Worked for them :)

 If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
Mother Teresa

I put this quote up a few months ago with the picture below.  These two were admitted on the same week.  One with kwashiorkor and one with marasmus.  They are both doing much better.


lowest weight 27 pounds                                                currently 36 pounds


lowest weight 17 pounds                                     currently 21 pounds



  1. Roberta says

    Oh my goodness!!! I would have never recognized Guynel! So glad to see he decided to start eating. 🙂 They both look so great and so cute!

  2. Judy says

    Their smiles are precious!!! Praying for these little cuties right now!

  3. Dee says

    That Oderson looks like quite a character! Thank you for saving that grin-the world would be a poorer place without it.

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