Food Boxes-in their words

My name is Olvert Dorlus.  I cannot work because I cannot see, I am blind.  I say today praise the Lord forever.  Praise Him for the food that I have been able to receive for the past 3 years.  This food helps me a lot because I do not have anyone that is helping me.  I eat this food until it is gone.  I do not have a lot of money but the other food that I buy I try to pay it and not owe people at the end of the month.  I am happy.  I am very happy to receive these food boxes.

I live with my husband in a house.  We do not have any children.  We cannot work anymore becuase we are old.  We really cannot say all the words today to say how much this food helps us.  When these white people came and started helping us we said our mother and father have come back.  They not only give us food, but also medications at the clinic.  I had Tuberculosis and they were with me every day until I finished taking my medications.  They sent someone each day to check on me.  We say Thank you, thank you, thank you.  And I have another person that lives by me that is very poor.  When they do not have food I try to give them what I can from my box.  If there is another spot opened for a box for them that would be good for them.

Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)

 17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD,
   and he will reward them for what they have done


  1. Bekki says

    so happy that you are making a differnce in these lives! LOVE LOVE LOVE RHFH and the whole Zachary-Betor-Moise family!!!

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