Year in Report for Medika Mamba

We have been using the product Medika Mamba since May 2009.  This product is made here in Haiti by Meds and Food for Kids.  It tastes really good and the kids love it.  World Wide Village came out to Cazale in 2008 and asked what they could do to help us.  We mentioned this product to them.  We had several kids with kwashiorkor at that time and needed something to help them.  They were willing to help that day.  They purchased enough mamba to treat 10 children.  RHFH would then see how it worked and if we wanted to move forward with the project.

It worked well and we loved the product.  T & T Livesay got involved and Tara ran a marathon to raise funds for the project.  Troy ordered the product, delivered it and showed RHFH how to begin the program and keep records.


 We have been able to treat 297 children since May of 2009.  Our program is all in patient.  We administer the product to the children at our facility while they receive 24/7 care throughout their healing process.

Here are just a few that recovered in the year of 2011 

 MACKENSON~on the program for 25 weeks

 GUYNEL~on the program for 7 weeks

 GUIVELINE~on the program for 8 weeks 

 DAGENOR~on the program for 4 weeks 

 In the year of 2011 there were 112 children that were on the program.

18 of these children died


 71 completed the program and were healed


contining into 2012 there are currently 23 children that are still on the program.

Some are doing well and are on the road to recovery

others are still fighting to live

We are happy to be able to offer those we serve the service of helping their children that are near death recover.  Once recovered they then rejoin their families. It is a true blessing to be a part of thier journey to recovery.

We want to thank Med & Foods for Kids, World Wide Village, The Livesay family and each of you that has been involved with this project.  One child at a time we together are making a difference.

 I am only one, but I am one.  I cannot do everything, but I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.  What I can do, I should do.  And what I should do, by the grace of God, I will do.  ~Edward Everett Hale


  1. Kathy says

    Amazing. Praise God.

  2. grahamsowa says

    It is so encouraging to read about these kids making it. We know there would be more deaths without MM, and I’m sure that one day soon we could be looking a new ways to prevent those that MM can’t get through to.

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