Would You Consider Committing to a Day of Prayer for RHFH?

Guest Post: Roberta Vander Zwaag

This is Roberta. I work with Real Hope For Haiti, and in Cazale, working with artists and teaching art classes with Artists For Hope.

I’m sure, like many of you, God has been laying RHFH, Cazale, and Haiti on my heart a lot lately. More even than usual. While I was praying this week I felt God saying that Real Hope For Haiti needs more prayer right now. Actually I felt God was saying that they needed a full day of hard core prayer from everyone who loves and cares about them and their mission.

We talked about it and decided that Tuesday, February 7 will be a day for prayer warriors to lift up Real Hope For Haiti. One week before Valentines Day…so we can share the LOVE! 🙂 Will you join us?

If you are willing to participate in this special day of prayer, we ask that you

1. Commit to praying throughout the day~ from morning until you fall asleep at night. You can choose to fast along with prayer through out the day or whatever you feel God is asking you to do. You can wear a certain bracelet or favorite Haiti t-shirt to remind yourself throughout the day to pray. Whatever helps you remember to pray all day.

2. Let everyone at RHFH know that you are committing to pray for them on Feb. 7. Leave a comment on this post or on Facebook letting them know that you will be praying for them so they can see how many people love them and are being prayer warriors for them.

3. Share about this day of prayer with your family and friends. The more people praying the better. Lets make this a day that shakes things up in the name of Jesus!

Listen to the Holy Spirit throughout the day and look for guidance on what you should pray for. Quiet your mind and your heart as often as you can so you can better lift up Real Hope For Haiti and what they need prayer for.

Some specific things you can pray for throughout the day are

  • For God’s plans for Real Hope For Haiti to continue to take form.
  • For safety and good health for Licia and Enoch and the kids, Lori and Charlie, and Zach in Haiti.
  • For God’s protection over them as they do His work.
  • For the kids in the Rescue Center to be restored to proper nourishment and health
  • For the patients who come through the clinic at RHFH. Tuesday is the beginning of the clinic week, so it is typically one of the most stressful day of the week. Oftentimes, extremely ill patients show up on Tuesday.
  • For the dedicated Haitians that work faithfully at RHFH.
  • For the development of the community of Cazale.
  • For the peace and security of the country of Haiti.

Thank you for showing how much you love Real Hope For Haiti and everything God is doing through them.



  1. Emily says

    My son is having surgery on that day to remove a tumor. We will be praying ALL DAY at the hospital, and I am so thankful for the reminder to add RHFH to those prayers. We will lift up all those beloved children, as well as those who serve–faithful sons and daughters of our King. We will pray for healing, for peace, for His kingdom to COME — on earth as it is in heaven. May the LORD bless you and keep you, may the LORD lift up his face to shine upon you and give you peace.

    As we have gone through this journey of my son’s illness, I have been so comforted by Joshua 1:9–“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” And then again in Joshua 5:13-15, when Joshua is preparing to attack Jericho–a seemingly impossible task–the commander of the LORD’s army comes to remind him that the Lord is present. I’m praying that as you stare down the walls of Jericho, you would hear His voice saying–“this is holy ground”–just as He did to Joshua (5:15). He fights for you.

  2. Sherri Healy says

    Prayers coming your way from Southern Indiana!
    Psalms 91:14-16 “Because he loves me”, says the Lord, “I will rescue him. I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

  3. Casey says

    I will be a praying

  4. Patricia @ Pollywog Creek says

    I consider it an honor to be joining with brothers and sisters in Christ tomorrow – in my heart and in prayer for this beautiful ministry to the precious people of Haiti.

  5. Carmen says

    Our family will be praying with you!!!

  6. Andrea says

    I will be praying!

  7. Karen says

    I will be praying.

  8. lora mapp says

    I will be praying.

  9. Janet says

    I will be praying!

  10. Melissa Mae says

    I will be praying.

  11. Lorie says

    I will be praying!

  12. Diane says

    I will be praying from Barrie, Ontario, Canada.

  13. Dee says

    I will be praying.

  14. Sandy says

    Prayers coming from eastern NC!

  15. Judy says

    Well the clock just struck midnight…so that means it’s Tuesday the 7th!!! Time to start praying!!!

    -Judy in Pennsylvania!

  16. admin says

    Briana said she doesn’t get this whole internet thing but that she will be praying for you

  17. Becky Harding says

    I will be praying along with my family. I will let all the Haiti gals in Cape know and pray. We love u-all and are amazed at the work that’s being done in Cazale:).

  18. Libby Zarrahy says

    “You can pray for anything and if you have faith, you will receive it”
    Matthew 21:21

    The Bible tells us that when you pray and have faith, you will receive what is asked for. Faith moves mountains. Faith pleases God. Faith continues to open doors. My prayers will be ones of faith today, that doors will continue to open for the Rescue Center and the Zachary’s as a family.

  19. Miriam says

    Praying for all of you today! Your ministry is such a beautiful picture of God’s love.

  20. Dynelle MN says

    praying faithfully for you all

  21. Wanda Anderson says

    Praying for the Rescue Center and all the workers there from Nebraska! May you experience His Steadfast Love and overflowing mercy and grace!

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