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Help ship needed materials to Haiti

It’s that time of year again.  We are preparing to ship another semi-trailer to Haiti soon.  These trailers are packed full of supplies for the rescue center, clinic, cholera treatment center, community development group, school sponsorship and all kind of needs that we have here in Haiti.   We will have additional posts in the coming weeks to let you know other ways that you can help us get needed items to finish filling it.



We load and pack up the container in Anderson, IN.  Each year, we need help from individuals and small groups to help organize and pack boxes and supplies.  After the boxes are packed and labeled, we arrange them on pallets.  Over the  years we have found that using old banana boxes has been a huge help in packing and stacking for the pallets.  They are sturdy and uniform.  These pallets are then labeled and weighed.


We currently have these dates opened for packing and dropping off supplies at the storage units.

April 20 & 21

April 27 & 28

May 4 & 5

If you are interested in helping sort and pack or have supplies, you would like to donated please contact us at for more information.

Once the packing of the pallets is finished, we then figure out how to pack the whole container.  We have to measure the heights and figure out the weight of each pallet.  We take these figures and can then decide how to best load the container to the fullest capicity.  Once loaded in Indiana, we pray over the load, and sent it on its way to Cazale, Haiti.

When the trailer arrives in Haiti, we have get it through customs and inspected.  Once this is completed, we begin unpacking.

These  loads are put in other storage containers, depots and used to fill our shelves back up.  We stretched out the shipments to last until the next container arrives.

It is always a long hard day of working to get everything unloaded and put in the right places until it is used.

So how can you help?  We do not currently have funds to ship the trailer.  It cost $10,000 to ship a conatiner from Indiana to Cazale, Haiti.  This covers all the cost of rail, boat, road, customs, dock fees, paperwork and transport in Haiti.

These are 40 pallets on the container.  If we break down the cost per pallet it is $250.00 per pallet.  We are looking for churches, individuals, small groups, Sunday school classes, bands, and others to come together and help us reach our goal.  It is simple:  40 pallets X $250.00=$10,000.00 and our goal to ship the container!!

Many of the supplies that are shipped in are supplies that YOU have been sewing and collecting throughout the year.  That is exciting to us.  We love the pillow case dresses for the girls and the great diapers that so many of you have made.

Tools and supplies for the community development group and farmers in our area.

School sponsorship kids get special gifts from their sponsors.

It always fun to find special notes enclosed with the donations.

So, how do you donated for this special need?  You can go to the upper right hand side of the blog and use the paypal button.   You can also donate through our home office. Real Hope for Haiti/P.O. Box 23/Elwood, IN 46036.  For paypal and the Indiana office, please include a note or memo letting us know it is for the “container.”  This will help us keep better track of the donations, so that we can let everyone know how close we are to reaching our goal.  Thank you for continuing to put supplies in our hands to effectively do the work here and touch so many people.  Without these tools, our hands would be tied.  Please consider what you can do to help get this supply container to those in great need of the materials and medicines in it.


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