Remembering our teachers

Keverly was a MK from Mexico.  She finished up her highschool  in Dec of 2008, and moved to Haiti in Jan 2009.  She was only 17 at the time and I was a little freaked out to be having someone come to teach my kids. 🙂 It was an amazing semester and through it we saw God hands in her whole trip here to Haiti.  Her parents ended up adopting a little girl that was abandoned in the yard right below where Keverly lived.  She took care of this baby girl for many month not knowing that God was preparing her parents to adopt here.  She helped each of the boys in a unique way with their education levels.  Always encouraging and praising.  She taught my baby boy Trey to read I will always remember her for that.  Keverly is currently studing nursing at the Liberty University. 

 Anna came in the fall of 2009 and stayed for the school year through 2010.  She was with us through the earthquake, already spoke creole, and was a HUGE, HUGE blessing to RHFH.  She loved my boys and helped them through a lot that year.  We all went through so much together.  So, so, much.   The boys remember her for always cooking with them and having lots of fun in school.  She made life lasting realationship with RHFH staff and has been back several times to RHFH.  She is currently going to school in CA but longs every day to be back in the beautiful country. Mwen renmen ou Anna.

  Mary was the the teacher for fall 2010, and Angela for Spring 2011.  These two have known each other for years and that made a good transition for the kids.  They worked with the boys and helped them advance in their school work for that year.  They had lots of fun activities and made learning fun and exciting for everyone.  They also enjoyed helping out with kids in the RC and learning more about Haiti and her people.  Mary is studying at Samford University and Angela at Texas State University.


 Joy was with us for the 2011-2012 school year.  She is also am MK from Mexico.  She graduated from North Central University in 2009.  She was just what the boys needed this year in school.  Carmelo especially has learned and advanced so much this year.  The younger 2 are doing great in their reading skills and love going to school.  She made the school year fun and exciting and packed with all kinds of activities for the boys.  The wall of the school room a literally covered with this years work.  Joy has been a blessing to us this year.  We are going to be sad when she leaves at the end of this school year-this Friday. 

Our family has really been blessed these past years with great teachers and just what we needed for the boys.  Many of these lovely ladies have had life changing experiences through their time here in Haiti.  They have seen and experienced things that they will  remember and cherish for the rest of their lives.  I have learned that this position is not only one to teach my boys and for them to learn and advance in school, but it is for the teacher as well.  We serve a great God and our family is forever grateful to these wonderful ladies for giving, serving, sacrificing, loving, caring and teaching our children.  To God be all the Glory.


  1. Anna K says

    goodness i miss you guys. its been too long since i was there with you all 🙁

  2. Keverly says

    Wow, I miss you all. I think that teaching Trey to read will always be one of my favorite memories — “go wash all that sleep out of your eyes!” 🙂 I’m praying for God to show you who should come next. I will make it back, maybe not in my timing, but I can’t wait!

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