Thank you!

World Vision blessed Love-A-Child with lots of really nice new clothes and they decided to graciously pass some of the blessing on to us.  We were so happy to distribute shirts, jackets, scarves, and sandals to all 140 staff members and 65 community group members and patients at the CTC and clinic.  It was a special treat to many.  Thank you!!!

The following pictures are some of our staff modeling their new threads.  Many took these pix below after a long day’s work, yet look at their smiles.  We greatly appreciate our hard working staff and all they do to care for the people of Cazale and the surrounding villages.  We love each and every one of them so much.  It is an honor to work with these wonderful people.



  1. kathy says

    What a blessing!

  2. Anna K says

    those fabulous shirts are seriously amazing. i think you should make those the staff uniform!

  3. Roberta says

    Oh I LOVE this! Everyone looks so great. 🙂

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