Infant formula

Many years ago when my mom was still with us she had a deep desire to help the sick and hurting.  She taught us from a young age to try and meet the needs of others.  You see a need and you do your best to fill it.  When she was still alive she saw the need to help newborn babies who had lost their mothers in childbirth.  We would have fathers come with the little newborn babies and tell us they just did not have options to care for them.  They wanted to keep them in the family.  But they could not afford the formula, or find someone to care for them, or tend to their needs.  Many, if possible, would stay home and care for their little son or daughters.  But most have other children.  They have to work so that the family can survive and eat.  They do not have a choice.  This birthed a new part of the RC.  We take in these small babies and raise them until they are off of the infant formula and walking.  The dads can then take them home and they make it.  They have a fighting chance to live. 

We started off with just one little baby many years ago.  This part of our ministry has grown over the years. The numbers go up and down from time to time.  But the word has gotten out around to different villages and they are coming from farther and farther away, looking and searching for help to be able to keep the family together.

As we take in more little ones, the need for formula increases.  We currently have 25 babies that are drinking milk.  We have gone for several months without having to purchase any.  We had donations come in from several different organizations, the container, and people traveling into Haiti.  But our supply is low and we need to purchase a large shipment or get some donations here to Cazale soon. 

 Many of you searched out those traveling to Haiti and sent in suitcases of formula for the babies.  This was a great way to help meet the need.

 I have been researching and trying to find the best price and solution for us here at RHFH.  I have 2 different kinds of milk that will work for us here at RHFH.

 This first can is for the babies 0-9 months (holds 400g).  It can be purchased here in Haiti.  One can currently costs us $6.50US.  We use 10 cans in a 24 hour period.  At this amount it costs us 43cents per 8 ounce bottle. 

 The second choice can be used for the kids 10 months and up (holds 2500g).  We can make one of these cans last 2 days. The cost of this can is $25US.  At this amount it costs us 29 cents per 8 ounce bottle. 

So to do the math we use 10 cans of the Gallia infant formula per day.  10 cans X $6.50=$65.00 per day.  The Bongu can lasts 2 days, so $25 per can /2=$12.50 per day.

Gallia Infant formula – $65.00

Bongu milk                     -$12.50

Total for 1 day                 $77.50


So we are looking for churches, Sunday school classes, VBS, individuals, or anyone else that is willing to help get the word out for us.  We would love for people to sponsor the babies for a days, weeks or months worth of formula.  If you are coming to Haiti soon and could bring in a suitcase full, or just even a few cans, we can do a pick up in Port-au-Prince. Please email me for more information (licia@realhopeforhaiti.org)

 If you would like to donate towards this need please use the paypal button in the upper right hand corner of the blog or send a donation into our home office.  Real Hope For Haiti/P.O. Box 23/Elwood, IN 46011.  Please include a memo or note letting us know it is for “infant formula”.

Here are 2 little boys that stayed with us for several months.  They have moved back home with their families and are doing great.  The families are so thankful that they were able to gain weight and return home with them. 


 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NIV


  1. Katie Gregg says

    I will be flying into Cap Haitien this weekend. Someone offered me 18 cans of Elecare, but I declined because I wasn’t sure how helpful it would be to the organization we’re working with (Second Mile Haiti) BUT, if you need it, I can arrange to get it tomorrow and make room in one of our suitcases. Let me know! Thanks!! We leave Saturday morning.


  2. cheryl in Maine says

    I have a healthy baby grandson born two days ago. It breaks my heart to see these babies in Haiti starving and suffering. Prayers and paypal donation coming your way. May God bless you for all that you do!

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