The Big Kids

The big kids provide RHFH with so much joy.  Not a day goes by that these rascals don’t give us laughter, love, and the best hugs ever.  We enjoy watching them heal, grow, and thrive.  It is a blessing for us to get to be a part of their lives for this time that they are here with us.. 

Some things God allows us to witness that warms our hearts:  the process of a once fragile body beginning to run and play like a kid should, their willingness to lend a helping hand with a happy heart, the gentleness they show by loving on the toddlers in the ICU, the fun of watching them learn to play basketball with the Betor boys, the giggling before bedtime, smiles that could melt your heart.



Claudette is as sweet and sassy as ever.  She continues to have daily dressing changes for the burns on her thighs.  They are seemingly stalled out in the healing process, so we are beginning to search for a doctor who would be willing to come to Haiti to do a skin graft surgery on her. 

 For the past week around the yard, the game of choice has been “Rocks.”  It’s played much like Jax, but the only thing required to play is, of course, rocks!



Jn Edward is doing fantastic.  Each day he is getting healthier as he continues his TB treatment, having come so far since he arrived here six months ago.  He is working on his basketball dribbling skills and learning to ride a bicycle.  This kid is such a little gentleman, loving towards everyone he meets.



Sequam, our sunshine on a dreary day, is doing well.  His legs are getting stronger, and his balance is improving.  One day last week, a very sick child in the ICU was refusing to eat.  Sequam gave a try at coaxing the child into eating, and was successful!  Ever so gently, Sequam fed the struggling boy one spoonful at a time, being a great demonstration to us all about having patience. 



Saint Vique has only been here for a short time, but we are quickly getting attached to this little guy.  At 11 years old, he may be small in size, but he’s big in spirit!  We are discovering that he is quite musically talented, having the sweetest singing voice and impressive drumming skills with complex rhythms.  He is picking up the chorus (in English) to some of our favorite praise songs that we play in the office.  Saint Vique’s preferred mode of transportation is the Barbie tricycle; it’s easy on his weak legs and allows him to cruise around the yard, sometimes fairly fast.  That always gives him a big laugh!  We are hoping he will soon start a good growth streak, as he continues on the Medika Mamba program.   

Words cannot describe the joy these big kids bring to us here at RHFH.  Thanks for praying for them and for being a part of their healing!



  1. Bernice Overland says

    It is such a priviledge to be able to see pictures of your precious children. Wish I could do more tangibly but I do pray for them more often, and God hears! I love you guys even though I have not met most of you.

  2. Heather says

    Thanks for the inspiration for the day! These little people are amazing.

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