3 new boys admitted last week


He is an only child and is 24 months old and weighs 15 pounds 12 ounces.  His mom tells us that he will not eat anything.  We are also finding it hard to get him to eat much food.  We put a feeding tube down on Monday so that we can give him the medika mamba.  We are hopeful that he will soon have the desire to eat.


Claude came to the clinic a few weeks ago.  His mom could not decide if she wanted to leave him in our care or not.  We talked for a long time and both decided it was better that she was 100% sure that she wanted to leave him in the rescue center.  We gave education on what food to feed him and also gave her supplement food.  He returned this past week in the beginning stages of kwashiorkor.  His dad came with him as well on this trip.  The mom and dad were able to make the decision together to leave Cluade so that he could receive care with us.  It is hard for many parents to make this decision.  They have to trust us and God that we will do our best to get their child better.  Claude has 5 siblings at home.


Paul is 4 years old and weighs almost 19 pounds.  Paul has a very sad story.  It is so sad that his grandpa did not even want to tell us.  Pauls mom is dead.  His dad went to the Dominican Republic 2 years ago in search of work.  No one has heard from him since then.  Paul has been living with a family member since then.  They did not want him.  They did not want to take care of him. Many kids that come into the clinic have a nickname or a play name.  The grandpa told us the nickname they have been calling him for 2 years is “nou pa bezwen”~we don’t want him.  For 2 years this little guys has been told over and over again that no one wants him.


 His grandpa is a farmer.  He works in the fields most days.  He has not had much contact with Paul.  The other family member that was caring for Paul called for the grandpa to come get him.  Grandpa went and was very sad to see his grandson.  He was even told then that Paul does not even talk.  He grunts at times. 

Paul is malnourished and very neglected.  We have been able to see him smile a few times when he sees our cat 🙂  It is going to take Paul a long time to recover and trust us.  Will you pray for Paul and his grandpa who cared enough for him to make the trip to bring him to the clinic.

Psalm 82:3-4 (NIV)

Defend the weak and the fatherless; 
    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.


  1. bekki says

    praying for all these boys, but especially for Paul and his grandpa. Blessings on them and on you.

  2. lora mapp says

    I already can’t wait to see the update picture of Paul. His big smile is going to be a beautiful sight! Lord, please bless his loving Grandpa and allow Paul to see You and Your lovingkindness through everyone at RHFH.

  3. Jamie Garcia says

    My 5 month old daughter (JUST turned 5 months mind you) weighs 18#, Paul would be welcome here in a minute.

    Prayers for love and kindness and health for these and the other kids.

  4. Karen says

    Sweet babies…praying for strength and healing and peace for all. And especially for that grandfather…his face is heartbreaking.

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