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We need another teacher for the kids!!

I posted this post in April 2012.  We were in need of a teacher for the RHFH kids.  We found a WONDERFUL teacher to fill the need for us.  Meredith has already begun the school year for the kids.  We are all very excited to see the kids learn and grown this year.  Now this is where we need your help.  We are currently looking for a person to come teach along side of Meredith.  No teaching degree needed.   We just need some extrsa help with the kids.  We have 4 students in grades 4th, 5th and 9th grade.  We want to make the year great for all four kids and feel like adding another person to the mix is what we need at this time.

Please read the first post linked above for more details.  Feel free to pass the word around for us. We already know that God has the perfect person out there for the kids.  maybe it is you?  Please email me for questions at

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