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Oh, Baby!

If we are going to have a crazy day here at RHFH, it typically will happen on a Tuesday.  Tuesdays are the first clinic day after the weekend as well as Cazale’s market day, meaning lots of extra people in the neighborhood.  If anything odd happens, it’s no surprise that it happens on a Tuesday. 

Today is a typical Tuesday.  Which means it’s not a typical day at all.  Typically untypical, perhaps you could say?

As the day began, we had some odd cases to deal with.  An HIV patient that needed an IV before being transported to an HIV clinic.  A child having seizures.  A child with a strange mass on her neck.  An overflow of sick kids in the ICU, requiring us to improvise and create more room….because we knew there would be new kids to take in today.  It’s Tuesday, after all.

The morning had barely begun when a laboring 27 year old was brought in by her family.  We were very thankful that Dr. Jen Halverson had just arrived to help us with the clinic for the week since Lori is gone right now to the States.  Dr. Jen made her rounds, assessing all the random ailments and unique cases, and then examined our laboring mom-to-be.  Already dialated to 5cm, it was decided to keep her here for the delivery.

Eline labored all day, handling it with grace and poise.  She was cheered on by the staff as she walked laps around the clinic.  Clinic patients strained to peek around corners as contractions passed.  A few folks had their two cents to throw in, as to how this labor thing should be done.  Licia declined to get butter for Eline’s father to rub on her back.  Allison disputed a patient’s opinion that Elaine shouldn’t have a damp rag for her face, because sweating would help the baby come quicker. 

In a team effort, Eline was kept as comfortable as possible, staying hydrated, encouraged, reassured, and given back rubs as needed to ease those labor pains. 

This was Eline’s first birth, so it was important for us to walk alongside her through this uncharted territory. 

At 4:45 pm, a 5-pound 14-ounce boy was welcomed into this world. 

It is our privilege to introduce you to little Jackenson.


The lovely momma and her baby boy are both doing fine.  They will be heading home soon. 

Would you say a prayer for them, and join us in thanking our Creator for a blessed delivery?   

 To God be all the glory!


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