New kids admitted last week


She came to the clinic on Monday.  Her mom and dad left their house at 3am and arrived here around noon. It was not a normal working clinic day but they knew they had to get here on Monday so they could sleep outside in the line to be sure and get a number to pass the next day in clinic.  She looked so bad that we admitted her on Monday.  Her mama told me that they had not ate for 2 days.  She is suffering from a severe case of kwashiorkor.

Chimene’s eyes were so swollen there was just a little tiny crack that she could see out of.  She was in a lot of pain and just did not feel well.  At 3 years old she was scared when her mom and dad left her here for extended care. 

Her weight that day was 26 pounds.  That is not so bad for a 3 year old but so much of that weight is due to excess fluids due to the kwashiorkor.  She has 4 livings siblings.  She has 6 siblings that her parents said have died  of  “maladie satanik” (sickness (from) satan).  This is her second time with kwashiorkor.  I will be sharing some more of her story this coming week.  God is doing great things in her life.  She is currently on the medika mamba program.


This little cutie is all the way from the island of La Gonave.  She came with her mama, papa and 2 siblings.  She is 1 year old and weighs 8 pounds 4 ounces. 

The interesting thing about Malange is that she has a twin sister.  Her twin is as healthy as can be.  Here they are in a picture together.

The mom and dad were a nice couple.  They have one other child besides the twins.  They told us that both girls were born at almost the same weight.  They have both breastfed and eat about the same food.  The biggest difference is that Malange was sick when she was only a few months old and has been behind since then.  She has a constant running nose and frequently vomits her feedings.

It was difficult for the dad to leave his little girl here for extended care but that is why they came as far as they did; to seek help for their daughter. She is currently on the medika mamba program.


He is 2 years old and weighs 18 pounds.  He has a terrible fungal infection and a mild case of kwashiorkor. Rojidner has one living siblings at home.  He is weak and had a fever when admitted.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.


She is 8 months old and weighs just 7 pounds.  She has 3 other siblings at home.  She was brought in by a neighbor of the family.  Her mom  fell and cut her foot.  The father must work everyday to provide for the other kids and could not take off time to bring Fabienne to the clinic.  She is so small and fragile right now.  She is currently on the medika mamba program.

We wanted to wait until we were able to tell her mama and papa before we let you know but Luciana  passed away last weekend.  Her family is very sad that she did not make it.  She was a sweet girl, that I will remember.

 *Just wanted to make a reminder note that we ask each parent of the children in our care for permission to use the pictures taken of their kids and families.   If they say no we do not post public pictures.   Please continue as so many of you do to prayer for all the kids here in our care.  We appreciate each one of you!  To God be all the Glory!



  1. Miriam says

    God bless you and the work you’re doing! I frequently stop by and am always amazed at the progress these children make when in your care.
    Just wondering if maybe Malange could suffer from pylorostenosis? Could you check her for that (ultrasound)? It would explain the vomiting after feedings and the failure to thrive…Just a thought..

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