Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Evens Jean has been here 3 weeks and my how he has changed.  He was put on the medika mamba program right away and had lots of other issues in those first few days here at RHFH.  We are happy to tell you that he has lost a total of 9 pounds from his kwashiokor. This is great.  Now it is time to build his body back up.


Chimene (love that girl) has been with us for 2 weeks.  She has changed so much in that time.  When she arrived her eyes were nearly swollen shut and she had a severe case of kwashiorkor.  Her mama and papa were very worried about her.

Now here is the story that I wanted to share with you about this family.  Share it with others for me.  I will continue to share it when people ask me how I share the gospel with the Haitians.  I will continue to share it when people complain and say that we do more humanitarian work and not real work for Jesus.

This is her story told to me by her papa.

Chimene’s parents left their house at 3am.  I told you that before but I did not tell you why.  They left their house that early because of a reason.  They did not want others to know they were bringing Chimene to the clinic.  Her parents did not know what was wrong with her.  They believed that someone had put a curse on their daughter that was causing her to be sick.  The spend a lot of money to get this curse removed by the local hougans.  They went to several.  Nothing was working.

They asked if they might try to go to a medical clinic.  They were told if they left the area and tried to find other help for her that it would not be good for her.  The mama was very worried and did not know what to do.  They talked together and decided they needed to try to find help.  Many others in the village were telling them that they need to go to a medical clinic to seek help.  They lived far away but many people suggested that they come to Cazale.  They were told that the white people took care of kids like Chimene.   

They took a chance with these crazy white people that they did not even know.  They left their daughter with us in hopes that she might recover. Last week Chimene’s dad came by himself to visit.  He was sure that he was going to find her dead.  I just happened to be around to hear his story.  He looked around the corner and saw her.  He put his hands up to his mouth.  He was so happy.  He then told us when he arrived back home that he was told by many that Chimene would never live and if she did live that she would never opened her swollen eyes, and if she did open her eyes she would be blind.  He thought he would find her in one of these situations; dead, eyes still swollen shut, blind.  But to his delight she has her eyes opened looking at him.  It took her awhile but soon she was smiling.   

 Her papa was so happy. He then told me ” Blan pa genyen yon moun sou latè ki ka di’m pa genyen yon sel Bondye”  White person there is not a person on the earth that can tell me that there is not just one God.  “Gade sa Bondye fe pou mwen”.  Look at what God has done for me.  Excitement was in the air as he told us of his wife who was still at home.  She had already been in bed for several days crying and mourning the loss of her daughter. He was so excited to begin his long journey back up the mountains to tell his family about Chimene.  Not that he just saw her and she was alive but that she could see him and talk to him. 

Her one life will make a huge impact on her family and her village.  So that is okay if you tell me I am only doing humamtarian work because I know that I know that I know, the long hours, sleepless night, medications and a super duper God is changing lives here in Haiti.  One at a time God is making Himself know to those that He loves so much, sometimes even using a malnourished child.  To God and only God be all the Glory!!!!


  1. bekki says

    Goosebumps and tears of joy because I needed to hear this tonight! Licia, anyone who has read Matthew 25 knows that what you are doing is what we should all be doing! You are His hands – bless you and may I say I am so grateful for your friendship, and you allowing me to see through your eyes.

  2. Chassidy says

    I was going to post about Matthew 25 as well. It can be humanitarian work. It is STILl God’s work. And it is hard. God bless you for obeying His call on your life!

  3. kathy says

    What you do, you do out of love for God. If you just preached and did nothing to help, no one would listen. People who complain need to read the book of James about the necessity of putting faith into works (not for salvation of course, but because of salvation).

    14 What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone? 15 Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing, 16 and you say, “Good-bye and have a good day; stay warm and eat well”—but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?

    17 So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.

    18 Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.” James 2:14-18

  4. Judy says

    You go girl!!! YOu are most definitely doing exactly what Jesus would be doing if he were in Haiti!!! Bless you!! Oh how I pray that the Lord will continue to bless each of you and meet your needs and give you the rest and encouragement that you need. May the name of Jesus be glorified through your work!!!

  5. Jamie Garcia says

    Praise Jesus!

  6. Nan Dillon says

    Love it! You all just keep on doing the work. Remember James 2:18 says and I will show you my faith by my works. Love, love, love it!

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