Real Hope For Haiti

CTC construction update

You can see past updates about the building of the CTC here and here

Here is Zach looking out over the site.

at the beginning …..

foundations being build…..

ready to do the columns and start putting the block up…

the walls are starting to go up…….

This is how it looks currently…..

The 2 buildings in the back are wards that hold 25 beds a piece.  The long building in the front in the Admin building, storage depo, morgue, trash, offices, ORS (oral re-hydration station), discharge and admissions building.  We are very, very excited about the progress of the project.

These are random pictures of the building process.

cool picture credits go to Brennon 🙂


  1. Rob Fox says

    How exciting to see God working through RHFH. Praying that the people who pass through these doors will find their bodies healed and that they will see the love of Jesus. May they also find their Savior that can make all things new!

  2. kathy says

    Wonderful progress!

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