She is 3 years old and weighs 19 pounds. She has 6 living siblings at home. This is her first time with kwashiorkor and we are hopeful that she will have a quick recovery. She is currently on the medika mamba program.
This little one is 2 1/2 months old and weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces. His mama had him when she was just shy of 7 months pregnant. He was born at her home. She was very shocked and scared when he was born so early. She went to Project MediShare and was there with him for 2 months. She is unsure of his weight at birth but tells us he was a lot smaller. She loves Loukendy so much and wants him to live. Her words to me were “I love him but I need to put a basket on my head so I can make money to feed the other children”. She buys and resales items to make a small amount of money for her family. She walks up and down the street with a basket of good on her head to sell. His little arms do not bend out at the elbows and he has just 1 little finger on each arm. We are hopeful that he will begin to gain some weight.
He is 3 1/2 years old and weighs 20 pounds. He is an only child and this is his second time with kwashiorkor. His mama left him to live with grandma while she went in search of work. She was able to find a job at someone’s house cleaning and washing for them. She had not seen Wilky for 2 months. When she heard he was sick she brought him to the clinic in search of help. She is doing her best to try and work but cannot keep Wilky at the house where she works. It is a hard situation. He is currently on the medika mamba program.