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Once a month, a doctor comes to the clinic to perform sonograms for women.  Pregnant ladies love to see their baby and learn if it is a boy or a girl.  Not all women can afford to have a sonogram done during their pregnancy, but it is still important for women at risk.  There has recently been 3 sonograms donated through paypal.  These can be done for $15.  We were able to give free sonograms to these three young women with this support.  Thank you so much!


L. is 9 months pregnant and doing well.  Her sonogram showed that she is having a boy and the he will be a small baby.  This information will help her know to come to the clinic with him soon after he is born for a check-up.  We are already giving her education that will help her care for her son.

It’s a boy!


This lady has had problems with past pregnancies and we wanted to make sure all is well.  The sonogram calmed her fears and helped us to know that she is progressing well.


F. is 5 months pregnant and doing fair.  Her baby is small for it’s age too.  We transferred her care and she following Heartline’s maternity program that is closer to her home.  They will be able to give her needed vitamins, education, and care during & after delivery.  Thank you Heartline!

F. is having a girl!


Please consider helping other mothers in need of sonograms and prenatal care.

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