Rockin’ Baby visits Cazale

“For every sling purchased, Rockin’ Baby will donate a new sling to a mother in need, and educate them on its importance.  Mother to Mother.” 

That is the mission of Rockin’ Baby.

Welcome to the 2012 Haiti Sling Drop – Cazale!

Wednesday was an exciting, fun day in Cazale for several mamas, a few papas, and lots of babies!  Rocking Baby  spent the morning giving their awesome slings out under a big, shady tent in the Community Development Group’s  area behind the RHFH Clinic.  We’ve been eagerly anticipating this event, knowing the wonderful benefits these slings will offer to these parents and children. 

The fine folks from Rockin’ Baby didn’t just drop off a box of slings for us to hand out.  They held a class for three groups of parents to teach them how to properly use the slings,  and then personally fit each parent with their new sling.  This facinating contraption that snuggles babies was explained in detail (thanks to our friend Gilbert for translating) – the how’s and why’s that all parents deserve to know.   


Valuable information was shared; facts such as how good it is for babies to be held by their mother and why it’s comforting to a baby to be snuggled close, being able to hear momma’s heartbeat just like when in the momma’s womb.

Lori was there to help translate as new, unsure mommas were given gentle instruction and encouragement on how to use the slings to help their babies be happy and content.


We love it that Rockin’ Baby loves our Haitian friends enough to look each momma and papa in the eye, validating that they and their children are special and worthy of something that will enrich their lives and hopefully make life as a parent in Haiti just a little bit easier.

Papas didn’t have to feel out of place today in a crowd of ladies.  A Rockin’ Baby papa was there to show first-hand that men can do this, too! 

Let’s hear it for our papas!



We saw some very happy mommas today, excited to discover something new, beautiful, and delightfully helpful!

We’re not sure who enjoyed themselves more today – the parents, the kids, or the Rockin’ Baby folks.

Yep, we’re calling this a win for everyone involved in this event today.

We are thankful that Rockin’ Baby chose to include Real Hope for Haiti as a giving site for their first-ever Haiti Sling Drop.  It is going to be such a great thing to see people around Cazale wearing their bright orange slings carrying happy babies.  Thank you, Rockin’ Baby!   



  1. kathy says

    What a great idea. Such a simple thing but so useful.

  2. Rebekah says

    This is such a wonderful idea! I loved reading this post. Seeing the ladies (and men) and babies smiling and enjoying their new wraps made me smile too. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Jamie Ivey says

    Love this! I’m doing a giveaway from these people this week! I remember when I was in Haiti visiting Story and would wear her people thought it was kinda crazy. 🙂 So happy people are learning about wearing their babies! Love you guys!

  4. Terry Ray says

    It would be great to teach them to make them to sell, also!

  5. Stephanie says

    Love this! Especially the picture of the “rockin papas!”

  6. bekki says

    hmmmm… this starts me thinking which is a dangerous thing. Slings/wraps are not difficult to make; maybe if you still have sewing facilities there some of your community can learn to make these to sell to other community members, or even Roberta’s group, or online to the states?
    I have my sling packed for the trip; I remember when I gave Tana’s sling to her mamma she was a bit surprised – but it make so much sense!

  7. Surfnmom says

    The group also visited with JP/HRO and this is from the owner of Rockin’ Baby’s FB page. “Kathryn Johnson Wiley wrote – We are talking to them about JP/HRO helping us produce the slings in country…super excited about it!”

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