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Update on Telismane and the boys

We met Telismane and her boys in the fall of 2008.  Her husband was killed in a flood that went through our area.  You can read about it here.  Through meeting her and learning her husband’s heart for her and her family they all moved down tothe village of  Cazale.  We have been friends with the family since then.  You can read more about their family here, here, here,  and here.

World Wide Village helped this family out a few years ago by helping the family with funds to start a small business.(along with others blog readers).  Over the past few years, she has been saving each month to be able to purchase land.  She bought a small piece of land and WWV came out a few months ago and had a team that build a home for her and the boys.

Telimane continues to run her small business and take care of her boys. They are all currently in school and doing well.  



We want to thank each of you that continue to give towards those we continue to serve here in Haiti.  It is making a difference in the lives of many.  May God continue to bless you!

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