Thankful-throw back Thursday

My throwback Thursday just goes back one month.  But I think it is important to share this with you.  Every single day we go through many emotions…highs…and lows…it is hard at times.  It hurts.

These three beautiful children were all admitted within the last month.  They all suffered from severe kwashiorkor and were very ill.  When I laid my eyes upon each of them, the thought came to mind, this one might not make it. Each call in the middle of the night, each nannies running with a child in a crisis situation, each NG tube and IV inserted I think and pray. My heart seems to stop when the call comes at night, which child is failing, which one are we losing.   I want all the kids to live but many do not.  It is hard.  But somehow by the Grace of God, these three made it.  I am thankful.  I am happy.  I am rejoicing that today all three of these kids are going to overcoming this.  They are going to live.  Between the three of them they lost 19 pounds of “water weight” (edema) from their kwashiorkor.  I am thankful that within a months time their bodies can heal this much.  God is good!Donsky (2)jj


Lilie (3)ggg

MAckenson dff (2)''




  1. Bekki says

    I am amazed at the incredible design of our bodies. God Himself made us to be strong. I am saddened when these little bodies are hurting, and thrilled to see them heal with care and nutrition. Bless you for being the Hands of God to these babies. I hope to see you soon! Love to all the Betors and Moises!

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