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Thank You Volunteers!

We thank all of you who have volunteered here at RHFH in January and February!

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So many things you do for the children and the staff. You are all such a blessing.

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2015 is off to a great start with wonderful volunteers. These folks…

~ held babies – some had just been left by their parents and they were very sad

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~ consulted patients, cared for many in the ER/procedure room, and did education for nurses and nannies

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~ played games, soccer, basketball with the older kids (Picture: girls beating the boys)

RHFH Box and ball game c~ all sorts of crafts, puzzles and games were going on

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~ new tin roof was installed over the pharmacy, ICU, and trash area

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~ new feeding tables were made for the ICU and painted

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~ pulled 697 teeth!IMG_7484 c

~ brought lots of medications and baby items

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~ donated medical supplies

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~ lots of love going on here!

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If you would like to volunteer here, please see the tab on this website or write to

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