Pictures from the ICU

Donley is slowly gaining weight and improving

Donley Marchcc (640x427)

Gladimy is such a sweet boy

Gladimy march (2) (427x640)Venia returned home with her family this week after being here a little over a month and gaining 8 pounds

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This little gal was born at the cholera hospital this week, he mama is very ill still.  Baby has low glucose levels and has been having some breathing issues so will stay with us until mom is released from the CTC.  Mama will pump breast milk to send to her.

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Another baby admitted from CHM this week weighing around 4 pounds.

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Wilnorson is just about ready to graduated to the Rescue Center this week!

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Crazy, crazy boys

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Jn Renel recovering from kwashiorkor and severe malnutrition

Jn Renel march c (2) (640x427)


Wenson & Wenlove (twins) growing and doing well.Wenson and Wenslove March (1) (640x427)


  1. Kim Quance says

    Thank you so much for the update. I met some of these kids while at RHFH in January this year. They look like they are doing amazingly well. Thank you for all you do. I continue to pray that God’s hand will continue healing these precious people and that He will guide those who care for them. Hope to see you in June. Miss everyone.

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