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Bible Study Classes

RHFH chaplain, Ginette, has held two Christian classes this year.  The first was a two month class that met on Monday afternoons.  The children that came were ages 8-14.  They went through a book about the salvation plan and having a good foundation in Christ.

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We had a small graduation and everyone invited a friend.  It was an opportunity for the students to witness to them and share what God had done in their lives through the class.

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The second class read and studied “Pilgrims Progress” in Kreyol.  Each week, they read 2-3 chapters between their Monday afternoon classes.  During the weekly classes they discussed what they had read, challenged each other with questions, and did skits.  We were happy to offer this class to these teens in hopes that they will always look to God and His Word while making decisions on their road in life.  We were able to have a graduation for them and their friends too.  All graduates received a Bible and the copy of Pilgrims Progress.

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During the afternoon, there were songs of praise, jokes, scripture readings, songs, and dances.  All were giving thanks and glory to their Lord.  They all wrote letters and read them aloud.  Here are what a few of them said:

~I love this group because it is interesting and the teacher taught us many things.  I was very happy we talked about the Kingdom of God.

~I am very happy because God gave us the chance that we could participate.  That means that I really loved this group and the activities.  I’m very sad that this is the last day.

~I want to tell God thanks because he allowed us to learn more about His Word.  I tell God thanks again because Mrs. Ginette had a lot of patience with us.  I was really happy that we passed this time together talking about these interesting and important topics.  I ask God to protect us all and to always give us strength to do His work.



The current class started May 25th and will go to July 27.  It is a discipleship class, called “Following Jesus” that has a detailed Bible study book.  We are excited about the participation in this class and the hearts that are growing closer to God.

We want to thank LIFE Literature for their great mission work of providing Bibles, kid’s books, Bible studies, pamphlets, song books, posters, and more for these classes and other organizations in Haitian Kreyol.  They are a great resource of free Kreyol Biblical literature here in Haiti and we highly recommend contacting them if you would like to receive materials to distribute.

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