Macula has been working for RHFH since 2004. She works in the Rescue Center and takes care of babies 0 to 18 months. She was born here in Cazale and has lived here her whole life. Her mama died last year and she was very close to her. Her papa is still alive but not well. She has 2 brothers and 2 sisters. She has 7 living children, 4 girls and 3 boys. By the Grace of God, she has not lost any of her children to death. She lives in a 4 room home with her younger children. The house is an older home that was given to them when a family member passed away. She would like to have a home of her own one day.
She loves the work that she does at the Rescue Center. She likes to work in this area and not the ICU. It is very stressful for her to see the new kids in the ICU that are so sick and suffering. She is happy to care for them once they are in recovery and getting better. One of her favorite things to see is when a small child sits up for the first time, crawls or walks. She knows these are huge milestones and she is happy when the kids are advancing and getting better. The one thing she does not like about work is when the kids are sick. She does not understand why a child has to suffer.
What would make her job easier? She would like some more fans because it is hot and semi closed area where she works. The fans keep the kids cooler and keep the flies off of them. She would also like the cribs to be repainted so they look nice and are better for the kids. She is thankful for all the infant formula that has been donated throughout the years she has been working. She said she prays for those that donated funds and formula. She knows and sees how it is saving lives. She prays that God will bless those that have given over the years.
Working at RHFH has helped her over the years to be able to feed her family and send all her kids to school. This past year her first daughter was also able to get married. This was a huge blessing to her to be able to help them with the cost of the wedding. She wishes that Cazale would have a paved road and some kind of trade school. She said sometimes kids finish high school and are unable to further their education due to location. They do not have the funds to be able to stay in Port to be able to attend school. So having a place closer here in Cazale would help many families. She has been attending the Nazarene Church here in Cazale since she was young and loves attending there each week.
When asked if she could tell one story that happened that she remembers it is about Lucnel. He has been at RHFH since he was a newborn. His mama died in child birth and his papa is an older man. He is a farmer as well. He asked if we could care for Lucnel instead of putting him up for adoption. Macula was feeding him one day and he began choking on some food. She tried to dislodge the food but could not get it out. She ran down to the clinic with him and by that time thought he was dead. She was crying and very upset. We got him inside and began working on him and were able to dislodge the small piece of food stuck in his throat. She loves Lucnel and was so happy that he was ok. She thanks God every day for his life.