Can You Give For Meds Each Month?

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Evens receives vitamins that are making him healthy and strong.

Most of the patients that we serve are doing their best to just survive and make ends meet.  When sickness or an accident befalls them, they often do not have the resources to seek and follow through with the proper medical care that they need.  Even if they can find the time and funds to go to a doctor, they are often unable to purchase the medications they need due to lack of money or lack of availability of the meds near their village.  When we first started treating patients in 1995, we felt it was essential that we provide the basic medications and supplies that we could.  We decided to charge the equivalent of around $1 US as an all-inclusive price for paperwork, consult, and medications.  We use these funds to help purchase medications/supplies and to help with other needs of patients (transport, food, housing).  This supply gives us a small amount of a few basic meds that we use, but it doesn’t cover all of the need.  Through the years, donated medications have helped us keep our doors open and our prices low.  Christian Aid Ministries has given us a monthly distribution of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies for 20 years.  We would not have been able to serve the 145,602 individual patients (average 4 visits per patient) that have come to us without their generous and faithful aid.   They continue to partner with us in this way for the Kingdom work of serving the poor with medical care and Jesus love.  Would you like to join alongside us?

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Medications are counted and bagged up in the pharmacy area.

There are about 2800 patients that have a medical consult each month in the clinic.  Most pay the small fee to cover this, but about 20% are seen for free.  When medications are available, all patients receive them at no extra cost.  This is life saving for many as they would not have the extra funds to purchase them.  Those drugs that we do not have, we prescribe and the patient must travel 30 minutes to 4 hours to purchase them.  Common chronic illnesses are hypertension, diabetes, and asthma.  Some common acute sicknesses are malaria, infections, worms, and diarrhea.  The staff does the best that they can with donated medications and funds to cover most our patient’s needs, but lately it has not been enough.  The exchange rate is changing and the prices are increasing.  We could increase the clinic fees, but don’t want this to put medical care out of reach for the many of the poor that we serve.  It is important for us to help those that have no other access or means to get medical care.  Would you consider a monthly gift to buy needed pharmaceuticals? 

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This expectant mother receives medication to treat an infection to help her and protect her baby.

The cholera treatment center provides 24/7 care for those with severe dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting.  There are critical medications and IV fluids needed to combat this deadly disease.  There is no charge to the patients for care at the cholera center.  We have received sufficient supplies from other larger organisations, but many have pulled out of Haiti or have stopped treating cholera.  We are left with a significant deficit in the medications needed to assure that all are cared for well.  Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) have been exceptionally generous this year and helped our patients with supplies (mostly IV fluids) when we were unable to buy them.  Could you consider partnering with us and commit to help buy needed medications for those with cholera?

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This child received IV fluids and antibiotics to treat cholera and made a full recovery.

The other inpatient areas, Rescue Center and the ICU, have around 70 children that are ill and malnourished.  Inpatient care is offered free of charge for these most at-risk children.  Many are fighting massive infections, parasites, and severe anemia.  Often times, medications are one of the key factors in their road to recovery (along with medika mamba) and we have difficulty even making sure that the most basic medications available.  Vitamins can replace deficiencies and help with appetites.  Powders can clear up diaper rash.  Anti-worm meds can get rid of intestinal parasites and stop nausea.  Antibiotics can cure pneumonia and ear infections.  Wound creams can heal sores and skin problems.  Medications are absolutely necessary for these fragile bodies to heal.  Will you make a monthly commitment to provide them the chance of recovery?  

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Nurse Juliette gives Isla a much needed antibiotic injection.

We have cut back in several areas and implemented all possible cost saving measures.  Every dollar is stretched to get the most possible, but now we are reaching out for you to do your part.  We need you to think about making a monthly donation towards purchasing medications.

To give you a idea of the huge impact your donation will make, check out these facts…….
1 dose to treat typhoid fever = $1
15 dose of malaria treatment = $5
10 antibiotic doses for cholera = $3.50
2 children with pneumonia to receive antibiotics injections = $10
125 doses of anti-worm suspension = $21
25 children to get daily vitamins for one month = $35
1 month supplies for a diabetic = $50

Currently, there are 3 wonderful people donating $100/month for RC/ICU meds.  We would like to see this increase to 5 people.  Are you one of the two that are needed?  

We have 8 people giving towards insulin, but we need to increase this to 15 to meet the needs.  Maybe you would like to donate in honor of a loved one?

Perhaps these amounts are too high for you to commit to on a monthly basis.  We understand, but don’t think that your gift is ever too small to meet a need.  As you can see above even $1 worth of meds can be combined with the care, education, and compassion of our staff to save a life.  I’m not being dramatic.  I’m being honest.  We need you and we trust that you will prayerfully consider what you could give on a monthly basis.  The need is a continuous one and a monthly commitment from you would help us to keep our needed stock supplied.

We are challenging you to think about a monthly donation of……
$100 – meds for the inpatients in the RC/ICU
$50 – insulin
$35 – vitamins
$10 – antibiotics

To make sure that 100% of your donation reaches the need, we recommend setting up a recurring payment with your bank or through your online banking.  They can send a check out each month on the date that you assign.  It’s easy and assures that your donation purchases medications on a consistent basis to continue helping those in need.  It can be sent automatically sent to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Drive, Noblesville, IN  46060.  If a phone number is needed, use 317-517-2792.

We understand that Paypal is more convenient for some people and have this giving opportunity too.  It’s fast and easy.  Go to www.realhopeforhaiti.org.  Under the tab GET INVOLVED click DONATE.  To the left of area that explains “Monthly Donation” click on the box “select amount” to pick the amount you would like to give per month.  Follow the Paypal page to set up your monthly payment.

Thank you for taking the time to think over this need and how you can become involved.  A genuine thanks to all that do already give generously for these medical remedies and supplies.  Please share with others why you do this and challenge them to toss around the idea of joining with RHFH to give hope in this life and the life to come.

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What can you do to help?



  1. Janette Layton says

    Casey, what percentage of the donation do you lose through PayPal. Which method gets the largest part of the donation to you and your needs?

  2. Lori says

    Paypal takes out around 3%. The full amount of the donation will be received when a check is sent to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Drive, Noblesville, IN 46060. Thank you!

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