Through out the year, we gather, sort and pack supplies donated for the RHFH mission. In the fall, we pack all of these supplies on pallets to load on a 40 foot long semi container.
These humanitarian items (food, peanut butter, clothes, shoes, baby formula, infant furniture, work tools, Bibles, Christian literature, and more) help the mission work maintain a supply of needed materials that are used throughout the year.
We have made great contacts over the years and are able to bring in wonderful, needed items to help and bless the Haitian people and to continue the work here.
We don’t want to let this opportunity pass us by, so we need your help!
We need groups to SPONSOR-A-BOX for $15 to ship the semi trailer by road, train, and boat to get it to Haiti. These funds will also help purchase some needed items to fill some of the boxes too. You, your Sunday School class, your small group could sponsor a box of needed items to be shipped down to Haiti. Our goal is $18,000 ($12,000 to ship the container and $4000 for supplies).
These medical supplies, medications, baby care items, and food will be used over the next year to bring health, hope and life to thousands of Haitians.
International shipping and customs prices usually run $4 per pound and sometimes higher. This can really add up and is a burden for most people. It makes more sense to use the semi container with freight (boat) shipping. It saves money that can be directly used for other needs for those we serve.
When we use bulk shipping in a container and split the cost up between many of us, it’s not that much and it will be a huge help to the Haitian people. We can fit 40 pallets on a 40 foot container. Each pallet can hold 30 boxes so there will be 1200 boxes that will go on this container.
How many boxes will you sponsor?
You can send a check to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Drive, Noblesville, IN 46060. Make sure to write “shipping” in the memo. You can also use the PayPal button below.