If you have items that you would like to send to Haiti, now is the time. We are planning a supply semi to leave from Indiana this fall. We would love to put your donations on this shipment!
We usually have a current needs list that post monthly. We would love any of these items to put on the container. Here’s the list for August:
There are some larger items and more specific things for the semi that we’d like to let our Indiana friends know about. These items could be gently used and we hope that you could deliver them to the warehouse in Anderson.
Empty banana boxes – collect from the produce section of grocery store, we use these to pack and can use hundreds
Children’s clothes and shoes
Office chairs
Filing cabinets
Large, plastic poster frames
Bulletin boards
Exam/medical stools
Privacy curtains
Simple kitchen chairs or folding chairs
Folding step stool or small ladder
Garden hoses
Coolers, thermos
If you are interested in donating any items, please leave a comment or write info (at) realhopeforhaiti (dot) org and we’ll send you the address. Thanks so much!!