Double your gift for diapers and wipes for the ICU children

Double the Diapers and wipes!

Are you looking for a unique gift for your mom this Mother’s Day?  We are excited to provide you with a meaningful way to honor your mother this Sunday: Diapers and wipes!

We are always in need of diapers, and through our strong partnership with Jake’s Diapers, we are being given the opportunity to raise funds to meet our diaper needs for an entire year!!! Your $35 donation will buy 603 size 3 diapers or 5000 wipes.  Our goal is to raise $2500 and for that to be doubled to make $5000 to supply the ICU with diapers and wipes for one year.  This is a fabulous opportunity to partner with us via Jake’s Diapers and DOUBLE your donation!!!  This fundraiser starts today and goes through May 19th.

All of the children that are admitted to the ICU are very sick, while we will continue to us cloth diapers for those children that are in recovery having disposable diapers for the sickest one will be helpful to the children and the nannies that are caring for them.

100% of your donation goes towards diapers and wipes!

Thank you for loving the children who have been placed in our care!

Click on the link here to make a donation



  1. Michael Williams says

    When I used the link to donate, at “Checkout” using Applepay it appeared that the diapers and wipes would be shipped to me, so I canceled my order. How can I be sure that they will be shipped to RHFH?

  2. Brooke Langley says

    The shipping address can be filled out with your address but it will go to RHFH… here’s a pasted verbiage from someone from the Jet.com site about it : “The address is just for records and to verify zip code to credit card. You’re donating to buy diapers, but the diapers won’t ship to you. They’ll ship to Real Hope.” <3

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