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Michelene is five years old and came into the clinic with her dad. She lives with her dad and two other siblings. Her dad is a carpenter. Her mother is not engaged in her life. She was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries. Her dad said she was fine two weeks before – eating, playing, and laughing. Then she started having diarrhea and was vomiting after meals. She has never been treated for malnutrition before, but she was swollen when she came in to clinic. Michelene weighed about 42 pounds when she came in swollen.



Wilberline is 18 months old. She came into clinic with her mother. She lives with both her parents, her maternal grandmother, and 2 siblings. Her father has a garden, growing beans and corn, but no other employment right now. Her mother says she has been swollen for about a month, and has had a cough during that time. She never had diarrhea, and had only started vomiting the day she brought her into the clinic. She had never been swollen before, but would not eat the mamba and so we admitted her. Wilberline weighed 18 pounds when she came in swollen.



Valson will be 2 years old on June 20th! He was referred to us from Children’s Health Ministries (CHM) with acute severe malnutrition. He had been a patient of CHM for about a year. He had developed a fever and diarrhea two weeks prior, and had a cough. He wouldn’t eat mamba, and so was sent to us for inpatient treatment. He is an only child, and lives with his mother and maternal grandmother. His father lives in another country and doesn’t help with any finances.



Renard is 2 years old. He came into clinic with his aunt, who he doesn’t live with, but who sees him every day. His mother died 2 months prior, from what the aunt described as abdominal swelling. Renard lives with his father and 3 other siblings. None of them are ill, but Renard started swelling about 4 months ago. He does not have any other symptoms – like fever, cough or diarrhea. He has continued to have a good appetite, but his hair was yellowing.

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