Real Hope For Haiti
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GVADK-Community Group and Rescue Center need

GVADK is our local Community Development group that has been working in Cazale since 2004.  The group is made up of different members of the Cazale community.  We work together to help make improvements in the local community. To be able to make this happen we rent a small piece of land where we have a tree nursery, store our supplies, have weekly meeting and work days.

For years all the clothing was washed in the local river each day. Items would get stolen from time to time and the village ask us if we would consider washing in a new location.  We are currently using about 1/3 of the GVADK yard to wash the clothing, diapers, and blankets each day.  We also hang them up to dry there. This has helped us to be able to better control these items.

We also use the space to have Bible classes as well as education classes.  It is in a good quiet area and works out well for everyone.

We currently need to pay the rent for 1 year for this land.  The cost of this is $500. We know this is not a fun thing to give for around the holiday times but it will ensure use another year to plant trees, have clean clothes and diapers and continue to have classes for those we serve.  If you would like to help you can send a check to Real Hope for Haiti/15215 Endeavor Drive/Noblesville, IN 46016

or use the paypal link below!  Thank you in advance for helping with this need!!



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