Foster Family Spotlight: Carla

This lovely little lady became a part of RHFH in February 2016, when she was 18 months old.  She lived in the rescue center until April 2018.   She had recovered from malnutrition but was unable to return home to her family.  Last April, Carla was taken in by a foster family that is near and dear to our hearts.  We’d like to introduce you to them!

Pascal and Muralene Thelusma are Carla’s foster parents.  The couple met in 2009 when Muralene was attending school in her village. Pascal noticed her and wanted to meet her, so he waited for Muralene to get out of school and asked if he could walk her home.  He did this every day, walking her home and talking until they were in love and started a family together. 

Pascal and Muralene are both Christians and attend the Baptist church here in Cazale with their children.  Pascal began working for RHFH in 2015.  RHFH encouraged the couple to get married and Pascal says that he realized God wanted them to be married.  When he talked with his wife, she agreed but didn’t know how they could get married.  He told her that RHFH would help, and she was very happy. She is thankful and says that she feels a union with RHFH and prays that God will bless the mission. Pascal and Muralene were married in 2016.

Pascal and Muralene have two other daughters and are pregnant with another girl, due in April!  The girls are Atanaelle, 9 years old, and Angelica, 7 years old.  They both love Carla very much and are happy that she is their sister. 

Carla’s foster family wants you to know that she is very loving.  Whenever anyone leaves the house and returns, she often waits at the gate for them to return, and she always runs to great them.  She is confident and strong willed but listens to her dad!  She does very well in school and is very intelligent.  She has not begun to learn to read or write, but her favorite part of kindergarten is music.  She is constantly singing around the house and this makes the whole family happy. 

Carla lives in a four-room cement home with a tin roof.  They have a latrine and they bathe in the river, which is not far from the house.  They get their drinking water from a community faucet. 

Pascal and Muralene ask that you pray for Carla to grow and listen to the things that they teach her.  They pray that she will make good choices when she grows up, and that she will love God and want to stay in church. 


  1. KeLinda Scott says

    What a joy it is to read what God is doing! Please tell the family I will be including them in my prayers and that I think they are wonderful! Hugs to the children, the parents, and all the staff. Oh how I wish I could really hug you all.

  2. Tammy in MN says

    Thank you, Pascal and Muralene, for caring for Carla. You are a model to others of God’s love.

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