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Staff Spotlight-Tibebe

Tibebe has been working at RHFH since Nov 2011.  We were looking for new employees to work in Oct of 2011.  We put signs up around the village and she decided to apply.  She came and filled out an application on a Thus.  We called her for an interview on Tues and she began working the next day.  She works in the ICU area with the sickest children when they are first admitted.  She enjoys taking care of those that are sick.  Her favorite thing to do at work is feeding the kids.  She knows that the food they eat is a big part of their healing process.  She says that all kids are different.  Some  like to be fed, some like to fed themselves.  Some are to weak to hold a spoons. Some do not want to eat and we have to use an NG tube.  She describes her work day as this.  She arrives at 6am.  She changes into her work clothes and begin to gives kids medika mamba to eat.  Next she checks if anyone needs a diaper change before breakfast.  Takes those that are able go outside to the table to eat breakfast.  Those that are to sick are fed in their beds or given nutrition through their NG tubes. After breakfast everyone gets a bath.  Those that need a nap take a nap and the others go outside for play activities.  She gives medika mamba again to the kids.  Next she checks kids for diaper change.  She changes bed sheets and get the kids ready for lunch.  She goes to the kitchen and get the food for lunch and separates into bowls. Once the food is cooled she serves the kids lunch, and helps feed them.  After lunch is bath time again.  She gives medika mamba again.  Most kids take a nap after lunch and she takes a break as well.  Around 230 to 3 the kids begin to wake up and she gives the afternoon snack. She gives medika mamba again.  Those that are able, go outside for activities. She gives medika mamba again. Around 5 she begins to help the leader of the day prepare a report for the next shift.  Around 530 she takes a shower and changes into her clothes for home.  Her shift ends at 6pm.  She works 4 days a week. Other things throughout the day that she does include; getting dressing changes done for kids, taking kids to get NG tubes or IVs places.  Holding kids, working with them to walk or sit up. Helping to give medications. Sweeping and moping. Sorting clothes and diapers.

TIbebe has 8 children 1 girl and 7 boys.  Her youngest is just 3 months old.  Her father is still alive. Her mom died 20 years ago.  She has 2 living brothers and 1 sister.  She has lost 1 brother and 2 sisters. She lives, with her family, in a 2 room home made of rocks, cement and tin. They have a normal Haitian kitchen outside and the house has a porch.  She grew up here in Cazale.  There was only one of her siblings that was able to attend school.  Everyone else did not attend. She attends the St Michel Catholic Church here in Cazale. One thing she thinks other do not know about her is that she likes to sing.  She thinks Cazale needs to have electricity and a better road.  She also believe that having some trade school would help those int he area as well.

She has many memories of kids that are have recovered and returned home from the Rescue Center.  There are sad days in her work and happy days. She remembers  many  kids that  have  recovered  returned  home  with  their families.   But  her  favorite  is  Madelene pictured  below.


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