Clinic Patient – special need

UPDATE: This need is met! THANK YOU!!

Esterlien came to our clinic in March 2019. He is 16 years old and lives with his parents and 8 living siblings. In February, he began having pain in his knee and he noticed a small growth at that time as well. He continued to go to school with pain each day and the mass continued to grow. His mama was 9 months pregnant and they live a 9 hour walk to our clinic. They wanted to come at the end of February, but his mama delivered a baby and it died. She was very upset and no one was willing to travel with him to the clinic. He went to church each week and someone from his church volunteered to bring him to the clinic. By this time, his knee was so swollen that he was unable to walk and it was locked at a 90 degree angle. He was in extreme pain.

It took us from March 12th until March 29th to see several doctors, get many test done, and schedule the amputation of his leg above the knee. God was with us and sent us several great hospitals, doctors, nurses, and labs that helped us along the way. During the amputation, they took several specimens of the mass. Those were given to us to take to a lab here in Haiti for biopsy. We asked for a rush of the tests and received the results on April 22, 2019. His diagnosis was osteosarcoma (bone cancer).

Through the whole process we have been going through with him, we have been in contact with a clinic that is doing chemotherapy here in Haiti. This has been such a huge blessing to so many already here in Haiti. We had heard they were only treating certain kinds of cancer for women, but to hear that he has the possibility to get chemo here is huge. He began his first treatment on May 6th. He has two more treatments and then they will retest to see if more is needed. He is staying here with us and his family comes and visits him weekly. We are in need of help to replace the funds used for his treatment, food, hospital stay, surgery, chemo treatments and medical testing. The total cost to date and to get him through 2 more chemo treatments is $2,220.00. At only 16 years old, he has such a great attitude with everything that has been happening in his life this year. We are so excited and amazed that Haiti is now able to offer hope to those needing treatment for cancer. Please click on the donate button below to donated or send donations to RHFH/15215 Endeavor Drive/Noblesville, IN 46060. Thank you!!!!


  1. Maia says

    I will send a check for $100 to Indiana

  2. Lori says

    Thank you so much!

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