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New Admits to the Rescue Center


Mayson was brought to the clinic by his father.  Mayson’s mom is not mentally stable and runs away from home a lot.  There is one other living siblings at home and one that has died. His mom does not work and his dad is a carpenter and also has gardens.  He grows roots, beans and corn.  The family lives in a 1 room home made of rocks, clay and tin.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse.  Mayson has been sick for over a month.  He has the beginning signs of kwashiorkor, diarrhea and sores on his body.  They traveled 30 minutes by foot to arrive at the clinic. Mayson was 12 months old and weighted 14 pounds when admitted.


Wislande does not live far from the clinic, about a 45-minute walk.  She had been following in our outpatient program for several months with no real improvement.  So, the nurse asked us to admit her to inpatient care. She has 3 living sisters and 1 brother.  There was a baby that was born and lived for 1 month but died from seizures. The family are farmers and grow beans, yams and corn in their gardens. The family does not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse.  They get their water from a source that is about 20 minutes from their home.  They traveled 2 hours by foot to arrive at the clinic. Wilsande was 8 years old when admitted and weighted 37 pounds.


Caleb has been following in our clinic since he was 4 months old. His papa brought him to the clinic in search of infant formula for him.  His mama is not mentally stable and would hit the baby.  The dad did well for several months.  He needed to work so he left Caleb with his grandpa.  The grandpa was unable to care for him well and he became malnourished.  Caleb lives in a 2 room home made of cinder block cement and tin with 6 family members.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse. Besides being malnourished Caleb also has a cold and fever on and off.  They traveled 1.5 hours by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. Caleb was 2 years and 8 months when admitted and weighted 16 pounds.


Bigo was admitted to the outpatient medika mamba program in Dec 2018.  He did not gain weight well and began to show signs of kwashiorkor. He also had a cold/cough and diarrhea when admitted. When he was 6 months old his mom took him to his dad’s house.  She was living with a new boyfriend who would not accept her with a child.  Bigo’s dad gave him to his sister to care for him.  He lost weight and began to be sick.  They are all trying to work and do not have time to care for him.  They live in a 2 room home made of cinder block, cement and tin.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse.  They get their water from source that is about a 45-minute walk from their home. They traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic.  He continued on the medika mamba program while in inpatient care. Bigo was 12 months old when admitted and weighted 13 pounds.


Kattlina was brought to the clinic by her mother.  Her mom cleans houses and her dad lives in the Dominican Republic.  She has 2 livings sister and her mom is pregnant with her 4th child. The family lives in a 1 room home made of tin.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse. They get their water from a hand pump that is about 10 minutes from their home.  She began showing signs of kwashiorkor about 15 days ago.  She has been losing weight for about 3 months.  She also had diarrhea, fever, vomiting and a cold. She was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program. She was 2 years old and weighted 13 pounds when admitted.

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