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Watch was brought to the clinic by his mother. He was admitted to the outpatient program several months ago. His mom did not return for his appointments and he lost more weight. When he was admitted for inpatient care he was 7 months old and weighed 8 pounds. His mother is staying with him at the center. He has had diarrhea for several months along with a cold. His mom did not breastfeed him. He has been eating baby food and bananas since birth. He is an only child and lives with his mom and grandma in a 2 room home made of cinder blocks, tin and cement. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a source that is near their home. They traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. He was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


Smaley is 21 months old and weighed 16 pounds when admitted. He lost 3 pounds in the first few weeks here from his edema from kwashiorkor. He was admitted with diarrhea, fever, vomiting and a cough. He lives in a 2 room home made of tin and plywood with 3 of his siblings and his mom. They do not have running water in their home, or a flush toliet, but do have an outhouse. There is a well in their yard for water. They traveled 1 hour by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic. He was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


She is 19 months old and weighted 16 pounds when admitted. She has lost 1.5 pounds from her edema due to kwashiorkor. She was brought to the clinic by her father. Her mom came a week after she was admitted and is currently staying with us and her daughter. She stopped breastfeeding Marie Ange when she found out she was pregnant 4 months ago. Since that time Marie Ange has been losing weight and has been sick. She began showing signs of kwash about 2 weeks before she was admitted for inpatient care. Her family lives in a 2 room home made of clay, sticks and tin. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, not even an outhouse. They get their water from a source that is about 30 minutes from their home. They traveled 2 hours by foot to arrive at the clinic. She as started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


He is 14 months old and weighs 14 1/2 pounds. He was brought to the clinic by his dad. His mother left him at the dad’s house 4 months ago and he has not seen her since that time. The father is 63 years old and has prayed for a child for years and this is his only child. He lives with his dad in a 4 room home made of dirt, rocks and tin. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet not even an outhouse. They get their water from a source that is about a 30 minute walk from their home. Guivenson has been sick on and off for several months. The week before he was admitted he had a fever and began having signs of kwashiorkor. They traveled 4 hours by foot to arrive at the clinic. He was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


She had been following in our outpatient medika mamba program for several weeks. She was slowly gaining weight. While at home she had hot food split on her arm and leg resulting in 2nd degree burns. This sent her in a downward spiral with her health. She began showing signs of kwashiorkor. At that time it was decided to admit her for inpatient care. She also had diarrhea, fever and a cold. She lives in a 2 room home with her mom, sister, uncle and 2 of his children. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, but do have an outside. The family are farmers and grow corn, beans and grains in the gardens. She was started on the F-75 therauptic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.


Davidson is 8 years old and weighs 31 pounds. He had been following in our outpatient program for several month and was still losing weight. His father asked if he could be admitted to inpatient care to see if her could gain some weight. He has 4 living siblings and 3 that have died of kwashiorkor and diarrhea. The family lives in a 2 room home made of clay, sticks and tin. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toliet, not even an outhouse. They get their water from a source that is a 2 hour walk from their home. The family are farmers and grow beans and corn in their gardens. They traveled 3 hours by foot and motorcycle to arrive at the clinic.

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