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June Volunteers

We are thankful to have had the help of many willing volunteers during the month of June!

We loved having Allison, a nurse from Minnesota, with us for a month. Allison helped in many areas while she was here. She worked with patients in clinic, rounded on the babies and children in the rescue center, did office work, and was willing to jump in wherever there was a need.

Holly, Tena, and their team played with the rescue center children and made cupcakes for them. They also helped in clinic with pulling charts. We are always so thankful for the supplies that they bring!

This team from Minnesota also brought many supplies and were very helpful, seeing many patients and doing procedures in clinic. They led VBS for local children and spent time playing with and doing crafts with the rescue center children, as well as helping with various projects.

We are also happy to welcome Erica back for a couple of weeks. She is here helping and sorting through research specific to women’s health. Erica was here as an office intern with RHFH for 6 months in 2017. We remember and are thankful for all that she did then, and are glad to have her back for these weeks!

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