Update from the Rescue Center

M. is three months old and already has kwashiorkor.
M.A. has been here for a few months. She is finally smiling and eating so her NG tube should be coming out today.
M. had severe kwashiorkor last month. She has lost all her “water weight’ from her edema. Now it is time to gain weight with medika mamba and reach her goal of returning home.
B. is here with her mama receiving care for severe malnutrition. She is still weak and needs our prayers.
D. is a cutie. He is gaining weight and getting stronger. It is a joy to see him up and playing with the other kids.
R. was admitted yesterday. She was abandoned by her mama when she was six months old. She is 19 months old and weighs just under 13 pounds. She is receiving F-75 therapeutic milk though an NG tube to help stabilize her.
M. has graduated from the Medika mamba program and has a normal weight now for her height. She will return home and follow each month in the clinic to make sure she is maintaining her weight.
Want to learn more about the types of malnutrition we see and treat here in Cazale. Click here.


  1. Erma says

    Blessings to you for all you do for these children. Would love to come cuddle them.

  2. Linda says

    It’s a work of heart! Thank you to all who work here and those who support RHFH.

  3. Susan McAnelly says

    God bless you for you unending care of these beautiful children!

  4. Denice Alexander says

    Real Hope for Haiti is such a blessing to Haiti. Can’t wait to return, hopefully soon.

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