Staff Spotlight-Anite


Anite has been working at RHFH since June 2012. She was in a community development group here in Cazale. There was a lady working with her one day that was the head of the Rescue Center. She asked her to think of her when we had a opening at work. The next week there was someone that was taking vacation. So she came and working for her for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks we were impressed with her worked ethic and dedication to the kids and she was hired.


Anite is 45 years old. She has lived in Cazale her whole life. She has 9 living children ranging from 23 to 8 years old. She had 2 children that died. One at 22 days old and one at 12 days old. She lives in a 3 room home with her husband and 7 kids. She has 2 children that live in other countries. One is Chile and one in Guyana. Her husband does not have a steady job, so the income she gets from the job is important to her. She has been able to put all her children in school and she is very proud that she is able to do that. She attends the local Catholic church here in Cazale.


Anite does many jobs at work. She most enjoys holding kids that are crying and making sure their basic needs are met. It makes her very happy to see kids that are very sick recover. Sometimes she thinks in her mind, wow that child is so sick it is not going to live. But she and the others still care for it. When that child recovers she feels like she has done a good job. There is one child that was here several years ago called K. She was very sick when she was admitted. Her family sat and cried that day as they were sure she was going to die. Three months later it was her 1st Birthday and she was alive and ready to return home healed and happy. Her family asked if we could wait until her birthday we said yes. That day several family members showed up and they had a cake for her. We were all able to celebrate her 1st Birthday and give thanks to God for her recovery. It was a good day.

Anite thinks that Cazale needs to have electricity, a good road and better school for the high school students. She also thinks some type of vocational school would be great for the area. She hope that she will continue to be able to work at RHFH for many years to come.


  1. Tena says

    I have always loved Anite. She is always so sweet to the kids and us when we visit. THANK YOU Anite!

  2. Susan McAnelly says

    Anite is a such a happy smiling person, love her and you can see her dedication. I love her idea for a vocational school , that has been on my heart lately also!

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