From Real Hope Academy

Real Hope Academy students are amazing! They were so excited about starting school and have completed week 2. 

We chose II Timothy 2:15 as our 2019-2020 verse : “ Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” Our goal is to exemplify that verse , growing and learning together. Our students want to share some of their excitement and goals for the year: 

Henley (11th) I am excited about learning Spanish. By the end of the year I want to GROW! 

Trey (10th) I am excited about 10th grade. I hope we stay strong in school and that I destroy 10th grade . 

Grace (6th) I am excited about EVERYTHING- starting new books , learning new facts, math problems and vocabulary words. By the end of the year I want to know twice as much as last year! 

Isaiah (4th) I am excited about History! I love learning math, so I hope we learn Algebra. 

Ameyah (4th) I am excited about learning math. I love math. I hope we learn more about God this year. 

Gretchen (2nd) I am excited about second grade. I love reading! By the end of the year I want to write a poem. 

Please join us in prayers for this new school year. 


  1. Terri says

    Oh! I love this post! How fun to see the kids and read what they are looking forward to! We will be covering each of them in prayer for this school year!!

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