Words from Gretchen-Jan 1996

Greetings and love to you in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:20 says givings thanks always in all things. We praise God everyday that we are His servants here in Haiti.

Our Indiana work team arrived on Jan 8th full of enthusiasm and lots of willingness to work and be used. We could not accomplish in a year what that team completed in 12 days. Six members were from our home church, Center of Faith in Anderson, IN. They gave us so much help and encouragement, we must share with you what was accomplished.

Since clinic opened in May of 1994 conditions have been most primitive as you can imagine. We have no water or electric and all the supplies and medicines were kept in boxes stacked four or five deep all around the rooms. Dirt and dust blew in the windows as we had no way to close them; often it was dark inside and we’d have to take patients outside to get a good look at them and their condition. In two days Ralph Marcum transformed the clinic. We now have lots of long shelves for our provisions, the windows have shutters we can close now. The best surprise was four plastic panels put the the roof to allow sunlight to come through so we can now see well.

The new Shelves in the clinic.

Ralph’s wife Sharel, his mom Edith and daughter Patty along with our friend Angie Rogers worked in the clinic and helped at our feeding programs. While the teams was here we received over 2000 pounds of clothing sent by people in WA and delivered by our US military. All the extra hands were such a help sorting and giving out clothes to children. The ladies also helped with counting and bagging well over 50,000 pills. The 6th member from COF was Tim Hull, a mechanic, who put in long hours helping to resurrect a truck for us (appropriately named Lazarus) which will be used to travel over the mountains as we try to drill for water in several locations in the near future.

Mom did not know they were putting in the plastic panels for light. This is when she opened the door and saw them for the first time.

Other jobs completed were painting and repair of vehicles and the two tractors. Our well drilling rig was moved to a truck chasis and the box bed was made into a medicine trailer for storage of supplies. Two car ports were built for both staff houses and many small repairs and projects were completed. Every Monday morning Zach takes a ton and a half of food to 4 locations back in the mountains. He was using an old wooden flatbed wagon held together by little else than prayer. The teams constructed a wagon from salvaged parts. It was exactly what was needed for transport and has taken about an hour an a half off the trip of 6 hours.

The team left Jan 19th; while they were here the fellowship and sharing was rich. We haven’t stopped smiling about all the improvements they made-a part of them will always be here with us. If you received this letter you also are very much a part of ministry here. A part of you has made life better for us and the Haitian people. To God be all the Glory!


  1. Sharel Marcum says

    This was my first trip. I left a part of my heart that has remained for over 25 years. We met and started sponsoring Serphine and started a road other changes that would not have happened if it were not for that first trip. Praise God for all of you and the wonderful changes in our lives that all started that trip. Blessings and love to Real Hope For Haiti.

  2. Licia says

    Serphine was just here today with his daughter. She had a bean in her ear that Lori removed.

  3. Brad Brizendine says

    I certainly remember those days of great adventure. The love, sacrifice and faith that was shown so extraordinarily will forever be like yesterday. The devotion and surrender displayed by the Zachary family will live on as an example to all of us. I know we can’t turn back the clock, but how awesome it would be if we could live it all again. But, those days have passed, lives have grown older… but the example, passion and mission lives on. It’s nothing short of miraculous, I should say TOTALLY God, that Lori, Licia, Casey and their families are carrying the torch. I’m nothing less than honored and awed to have witnessed such a God “ordained” mission ministry begin and continue with hundreds of generous people selflessly contributing and participating over these many years. We love and continue to pray for Real Hope for Haiti.

    With love and honor,
    Brad Brizendine

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