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Boasting Befitting a Believer

As a staff, Real Hope for Haiti recently finished an 11 week study through the epistle of James. It was a meaningful time of convicting reflection and life-giving discussion. One theme that stood out to me as we worked our way through it was how attentive God is to us. He is always near, always present, always listening and watching over us. However, as I continue to reflect upon it this week, I am even more humbled and amazed that God is not only attentive to our needs and circumstances, He is actively engaged in relationship with us.

God’s sovereignty permeates every detail of our life, as it does every atom of the universe. God does not just observe us from on high, but sent His Son to earth who was tempted in every way. God does not just listen to our prayers, but He sends His Holy Spirit to dwell in us, to guide and direct us and conform us to the image of His Son. James indicates when we ask God for wisdom, He will grant it. When we remain steadfast, God will give us the crown of life. He is not far off and aloof. He is near, never distracted, and engaged in relationship with us.

A relationship that is only possible because of the reconciling work of Christ on the Cross and the power of His Resurrection.

I read through Jeremiah this morning. Jeremiah is tough but true. Jeremiah’s prophetic words calls into question those people in his day that were crying out that there was peace, when there was, in fact, no peace. He brought the heat on people who were worshiping items carved by wood or formed by metal instead of the true and living God. How cheap and hollow and temporary those things seem compared to the eternal God! How often I slip into the same foolishness!

No matter what our culture, our community, or our family cues to us as the top priority, we must remember God is bigger and deeper and truer and longer lasting than anything that is not Him. May we always marvel that the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe desires to be actively engaged in our life.

Jeremiah summarizes it well in chapter 9 verses 23 and 24 when he writes:

Thus says the Lord, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the Lord.

The fact that we are hidden in Christ and have been adopted as sons and daughters is no small thing. It is something of which, while we don’t deserve, we should be proud. The veil has been torn, we should act like it.

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