Surgery funds needed for Jalot

Jalot has been with us here since Sept 2019. We do not have a good history on him as both of his parents moved and went to other countries to find work. He has been living with his aunt since his parents left Haiti. In 2018 he was attending school and functioning normal. Jalot tells us that he had no issue with his leg until the summer of 2019. When he arrived to RHFH the top, sides and bottom of his foot were an open wound and he had not been walking on it for months. His foot was turned in and he was not able to extend his leg out straight. He hopped around on 1 leg everywhere he went.

His wound has been healing slowly over the past several months. It just has a few small places that need to heal now. He went into a good hospital to get evaluated for surgery a few weeks ago. He is a bit nervous about having surgery but also excited that he might be able to walk again. The price for his surgery, hospital stay, medications and follow up appointments is estimated to be $1,500US. We are really excited that he is so near to having his surgery that he has been waiting on for months. We are need of funds to help cover this special need for Jalot. You can use the donate button below to give toward this need or send a check to RHFH/15215 Endeavor Drive/Noblesville, IN 46060. Thank you in advance, we will keep you updated as he gets surgery and then begins to learn to walk again.


  1. Susan Baker says

    $150 check in support of Jalot’s surgery is on it’s way to Indiana. Hoping I get to meet him in the spring. Love to all.

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