Posted on February 11, 2020 Posted By: LiciaCategories: Blog
A beautiful Almond tree.
A cotton tree.
Many people that have land near the river have been planting beans. They can use irrigation water that runs through the river to water their crops each day. Most of the beans fields also have bananas trees that are growing as well to give the beans a bit of shade.
A fresh stock of bananas after a long day of work.
my brave picture of the day as I am scared of cows 🙂
This is a house that is made from pieces of wood that are woven together for walls. There are bigger pieces of wood that make up the corners and post in the walls. The house is then covered in tin. Sometimes that also cover the walls with dirt or clay to so it will last a bit longer.
Mango’s are coming into season, we are all excited to have fresh mango’s picked straight from the trees here in Cazale.