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God is Sovereign

Many of you know that Vilson passed away on February 23rd. He was a beloved friend, co- worker and part of our families. His death brought great sorrow. I still feel a bit stunned. I was on my way home from the hospital on the 23rd and received messages from Lori and Licia that a 3 month old baby had arrived in respiratory distress. In fact, he had stopped breathing multiple times and required CPR. I arrived at the clinic and Lori had just revived this young patient for the 4th time. She suctioned his oropharanyx, he was on oxygen and had received multiple albuterol treatments. We gave him continuous albuterol over the next hour, gave steroids and antibiotics. The patient continued on albuterol, steroids, antibiotics and oxygen and slowly recovered over the next week. He was weaned from oxygen on the afternoon of the 26th and was well enough for discharge on the 28th.

I remember thinking on the 23rd that the work here is relentless. We didn’t have a moment to mourn the loss of Vilson before the next emergency arrived. But then after some reflection, I think maybe God was giving us a reminder that He still has work for us to do despite Vilson’s absence. There are still precious little lives to fight for.

We appreciate all your support and prayer. Please pray for us that we will continue to have the energy, endurance and resources to help all who come to us. And pray that God would heal our hearts when our efforts are not successful.

Baby and mother at 1 week follow up after discharge

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