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Clinic Review: July 2020

At the beginning of COVID-19 here in Haiti, we started giving some of our regular monthly patients medications to last three months to avoid exposing them to COVID-19 and in case our patient load significantly increased with COVID-19 patients. Though we have seen some positive cases and deaths, the patient numbers have remained low. Much of the population have lost their trust in the entire medical system and would rather go to an herbal doctor or just ignore the problems they have. Sadly, this has led to cases of severe infections, neglected diabetes, and other difficult situations that would have been easier to treat if the patient had come in earlier. The clinic staff still pushes forward to give the best care possible to those coming. Though the numbers were steadily decreasing since February, there was a slight rise in patients seen in July. Thank you so much for standing with us here in Haiti as we battle this new disease and continue to provide needed health care as we have since 1998.

total patient consultations = 1160
adults = 691
prenatal = 150
0-14 yrs = 469
births = 19

people educated by community health workers (“brigadye”) = 30,309
people screened for COVID-19 as they came in the gate = 4825
people with fever/colds = 224
people suspected of COVID-19 = 110
admitted and placed in quarantine = 7
died here (suspected, not confirmed) = 2
died in the community (suspected, not confirmed, didn’t seek care) = 3

anemia = 53
seizures = 14
diabetic = 62
hypertension = 111
UTI = 39
fungal infection = 54
ear infection = 23
vaginal infection = 58
STDs = 29

percentage of children that were malnourished = 45.5
kwashiorkor = 8
# of new children on mamba programs for July = 23
# of children graduated from mamba programs for July = 7
total children treated with mamba programs for 2020 = 172

emergencies = 20
dressing changes = 406
people using family planning = 52

# of lab tests done = 481
tested for HIV = 72
patient newly tested HIV+ = 3

tylenol distributed = 10110
amoxicillin distributed = 1072
bactrim distributed = 2404

Biblical literature distributed = 30
# of patients prayed with = 1475
# of patients requesting special prayer = 32

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