New Kids from the Rescue Center

E. 3 months old and 3kg
L. loves her milk. She had mild kwashiorkor that is improving with medika mamba
C. has a NG tube to help her get all her medika mamba each day.
D. was left with her grandma to raise. She traveled 5 hours to arrive at the clinic.
B. is here gaining weight and having fun with the other kids.
E. is a cutie. She and her mama are both sick and staying for care.
R. a long time favorite of our staff is hanging around gaining some weight before he has surgery.
I. is here long term and waiting for heart surgery in another country. She cannot live without oxygen right now.


  1. Julie Pederson says

    The little one awaiting heart surgery… what does she need to be able to have her surgery?

  2. Steve Eckart says

    Beautiful children!!! You ate doing it!!!

  3. Lori says

    She is on a waiting list to get out of Haiti to get the surgery done. The Haiti hospital needs to find a surgeon and hospital willing to operate for free or low-cost. She needs a host family around the accepting hospital to care for her. She will need to get her Haitian passport and a medical visa to the country that would be accepting her. There are many children in need of cardiac surgeries here in Haiti so the chances are slim that she will have this opportunity.

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