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Clinic Review – August 2020

total patients – 1262
adults – 710
prenatal – 168
0-14 yrs – 552
births – 17

anemia – 61
asthma – 1
seizure – 8
diabetic – 25
hypertension – 63
diarrhea – 55
heartburn – 349
UTI – 69
fungal infection – 71
ear infection – 34
cold and cough – 171
vaginal infection – 72
STDs – 60

kwashiorkor – 9
% of children malnourished – 45.6% (increase, lowest of year was March at 34%)
children on 3 mamba programs – 75
children graduated from 3 mamba programs – 7

# of patients that had lab tests done – 165
# of tests done – 473
tested for HIV – 93
HIV+ (new) – 7

emergencies – 32
dressing changes – 561
# of months of family planning – 51

Tylenol distributed – 10,400 pills
Amoxicillin – 1225 pills
Bactrim – 3495 pills

prayer and devos with 1093 people
prayed with 121 people individually for various needs
4 people accepted Christ and 1 person rededicated

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