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Staff Spotlight: Yves

Yves has been working for RHFH since Sept 2000. He is currently 66 years old. Yves was born in Cazale and has lived here his whole life. He had 2 sisters and 6 brothers. Presently, he has 3 living brothers and all the others have died. Yves was married in 2009 and has 3 children with his wife. He also has 2 older children that have moved and are living in other countries. He lives in a 4 room home with a porch. Yves starting working for us because of his love of plants and flowers. Our mom, who also loved gardening, hired him to help out with that. He later became Zach’s right hand man.

He always traveled with Zach to pick up supplies, get volunteers to and from the airport, transport patients, and many other adventures. He said he enjoys all his work that he has done over the years.

He has 2 favorite stories with Zach.

The first one is that Zach came home one day and told Gretchen that Yves slept too much in the car and he needed to be fired. (Zach was joking.) Gretchen laughed and said, “No, You need to double his pay for having to put up with you, Zach.” The next month, he got a good raise. Yves always remembers those funny times.

One other time, Zach went to Port-au-Prince to run errands and the first was the supermarket. They always left very early to beat all the traffic. They arrived at the store before it opened so they were just going to sit and wait. Yves said he went and sat under a tree near the car to wait. He was talking with the security guards at the store and lost track of time. He looked at the time and it was noon. Zach was asleep in the truck. Yves said he was then very stressed out and did not know what to do. He called us and told us what happened and asked what to do. We said to knock on the window and see if you can wake him up. We stayed on the phone and heard Yves knocking. Then, we heard Zach saying, “Oh, Yves, I had a good nap!”

Since Zach moved to the USA, Yves has remained a close and valued employee of RHFH. He still climbs trees like a teenage boy to pick mangos or cut branches down. He still enjoys gardening and watching things grow. He is always there when we need him to lead a hand or just to come sit and talk in the office. We love Yves!

(some photos are pre-COVID)

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