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Annual Missions Commitment

For many of us, the beginning of a new year is marked with new resolutions, lofty goals, and big dreams for the coming year. As you plan to read more books, get more sleep, or be more active this year, we want to encourage you to consider what kind of commitment you could make to impacting the world for Christ in 2021. 

What could you do in 2021 to expand the Kingdom of God?

At times, this seems like a monumental task and our efforts seem like a drop in the ocean. However, there are like-minded Christians across the globe that you can partner with to make a lasting change. 

You have a role.  You are important.  You are needed. 

There is more than one way to be used of God as He works in the world. Yes, some are called to sell all they have and give to the poor. Yes, some are chosen to risk their safety and security to evangelize an unreached people or smuggle Bibles in a closed country. While dynamic, these contributions to Kingdom work would not be possible without the obedience of others who give sacrificially, pray faithfully, and support these works in countless other ways. We are one body united in one Spirit. Christians can contribute to missions in a variety of ways, committing to reach hearts with loving gift of salvation, the hope of transformation, and the promise of eternal life.

What can you contribute to missions?

Pray and ask the Lord what He requires from you.  Read the Bible and seek to really understand what Christ demands of those who follow Him.  There are limitless possibilities and each one is important in God’s work.  He has His special way of weaving the best of us together to be used for His glory and purpose. Be willing, flexible, and open to the direction of the Lord. Step into action as He opens doors and speaks to your heart. 

  • Pray for a different unreached people group each month
  • Speak to your small group about getting involved in a missions project
  • Pray for persecuted Christians consistently
  • Use your time and talent once a month to help a mission cause
  • Each month, find a different missionary serving closed countries and pray for them
  • Commit to give 2 hours of your time each month to research a need (supply, educational, organizational, HR, admin) that your favorite mission is needing
  • Set up a monthly donation to a mission organization
  • Make a one-time investment in an established mission project
  • Find a new organization or missionary and help them to dream and plan
  • Join a missions board
  • Serve on a missions committee for the year
  • Tell your church about RHFH or another mission you love
  • Once a month, teach your kids about a new country that needs missionaries and pray for that country together
  • Disciple a new Christian
  • Share a positive post about missions on social media each week
  • Write a missionary an encouraging letter once a month
  • Read 3 books on missions this year
  • Sew items throughout the winter months for an organization
  • Purchase one item on the needs list of a mission per month

What will RHFH commit to in new year?

  • Pray for our supporters each Wednesday night when we have our church service
  • Share positive stories about the impact your support is having
  • Be resourceful and steward every dollar for maximum impact
  • Start the workday in prayer with our staff
  • Infuse our patient conversations with God’s hope and promises
  • Teach the young people in our village God’s Word
  • Ask God to increase our faith and trust Him to continue to provide for our needs.

What will you do?

Romans 6 is clear. For those filled with faith in Christ, His power transformed you, regenerated you. You are now dead to sin and alive in Christ. If that is really the case, Paul challenges you to offer every part of yourselves to God as an instrument of righteousness. Because you have been set free, the Spirit’s work in your life makes it possible to obey. God gave you gifts, abilities, energy, and education for a reason. How does God desire to use you to accomplish His will here on earth? His will that none should perish but all should come to repentance.

Commitments work better with accountability.  Tell us or a friend what you sense God is asking of you. If God calls us to do something, we believe he will equip you to accomplish it.

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