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Kreyol Song: 54 Chant d’Espérance

  1. Leve, nanm mwen, ak solèy la,
    Kòmanse tach ou jodi a.
    Premye bagay ou gen pou w fè
    Se louwe Bondye ak tout kè.
  2. Piga ou gaspiye tan ou!
    Viv jodi a kou dènye jou;
    Anplwaye talan ou yo byen,
    Nou tout va jije a la fin.
  3. Tout pawòl ou yo dwe sensè,
    Konsyans ou dwe toujou klè;
    Paske Dye wè tou sa w ap fè,
    Li konn tout panse nan tout kè.
  4. Kè mwen, se pou ou leve tou,
    Tout zanj yo va chante ak ou.
    Yo menm, yo p ap janm fatige
    Louwe, beni, sèvi Bondye.

  1. Arise, my soul with the sun,
    Start your work today.
    The first thing you have to do
    Is praise God with all your heart.
  2. Don’t waste your time!
    Live today as the last day;
    Employ your talents well,
    We will all be judged in the end.
  3. All your words must be sincere,
    Your conscience must always be clear;
    Because God sees everything you do,
    He knows all thoughts in all hearts.
  4. My heart, be lifted also,
    All the angels will sing to you.
    They will never get tired
    Praise, bless, serve God.

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